A secret I decide to expose “ How I earn 100 followers at 3 months and earn another 100 followers in 1 month”

Eric's Book Club
2 min readFeb 12, 2022


There is no shortcut to success but we can run faster!

To “You” who is reading this article
I’ll show you the way how I gather my followers.
(sincerely grateful for them, Thank you :))

love you!
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

01. Tell yourself to be a long-term writer. Focus on what you want to write. It’s very common to hear it but it is the most important one.

When I first joined Medium, I knew very well that I wanted to share what I learned in the books. But at that time, I was very concerned about whether my articles were followed, so I would log in to Medium very often, to see if there were any new followers, and I was lost in counting numbers, but now every time I log in, I just focus on my writing.
What I want to say is that as long as you continue to cultivate your writing, you will be seen by everyone eventually, but you should be focused on your articles, not the number of followers.

02. Push yourself at least publish one article a month

Like I said, “ Focus on your writing”. So it is necessary to update your new post at least one new post a week. Not only keep your Medium fresh but also can Strengthen your writing skill.

03.Write down you comment and don’t be cheap at clap your hand

Every time you log in to Medium. Read 5 articles and write down your comment, it can be your feelings, what you learn, or encouragement. Sometimes you will be surprised by a comment or a clap

04.Follow the popular writer

Popular writers, they got a lot of followers, be one of their followers, to find out why they can be popular, is the topic they write or the problem they fix, figure it out then follow their steps.

like Barack Obama, we will know something important but we ignore it.
like Jessica Wildfire, we can learn to be positive from her.

05.Join the Partner Program since You have 100 followers

Since I got 100 followers, I was so excited and I applied for the program immediately, then somehow, Medium will help your account to be seen easily.

06.Promote yourself politely

If there is a shortcut to earn your followers quickly, It will be the one.
You can say “ Thank you, Eric’s Book Club. Your article encourages me a lot. and I also write something interesting on my Medium. Welcome to follow me and I will follow you back!

Thanks for finishing the reading,

hope you find the way to success soon!



Eric's Book Club

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