Countries sanctions against Russia.

Eric's Book Club
4 min readMar 7, 2022


Photo by Alice Donovan Rouse on Unsplash


■ Exclusion of some Russian banks from the international payment system, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).

■ Block cryptocurrency activities, including cryptocurrency exchanges and other digital currency platforms that trade with blacklisted banks such as Russia’s Sberbank and VTB, to prevent individuals and organizations from using virtual currency to evade sanctions.

■ Nasdaq and the New York Stock Exchange have suspended trading in the shares of some Russian companies.

■ Consider coordinating with countries to release about 60 million barrels of strategic oil reserves. The current discussion focuses on the release of 30 million barrels of oil in the United States and a total of 30 million barrels in other countries.

■ Citizens of the United States are prohibited from conducting any transactions with the Central Bank of Russia.

■ The sanctioned Russian banks include VTB Group, Sovcombank, Noikombank, Promsvyazbank and Otkritie. Their customers are no longer able to use Apple Pay and Google Pay services, nor can they conduct transactions with companies registered in countries that have issued sanctions. Pay online.

■ YouTube prevents state-run media “Russia Today (RT) Channel” from monetizing videos.

■ Apple announced that it would stop selling the iPhone series in Russia and remove the apps of Russian state media RT News and Sputnik News from the App Store.


■ Exclusion of some Russian banks from the international payment system, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT).


■ The National Bank has approached the EU and the G7, asking them to stop providing foreign exchange to Russian and Belarusian banks.


■ Prohibit the entry of Russian vessels into the port, and any vessels owned, leased or operated by Russian citizens and flying the Russian flag are not allowed to enter the port.

■ BP has sold its 19.75% stake in Rosneft.


■ Japan joins other G-7 countries in freezing the foreign exchange assets of the Russian central bank, which will prevent Putin’s government from accessing tens of billions of dollars in funds deposited in Japan.

■ Certain Russian banks are prohibited from using the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system.

■ Toyota will suspend production at its St. Petersburg plant and stop car shipments to Russia; Honda will suspend parts shipments to a Russian plant.


■ Switzerland freezes Russian financial assets in the country, including those of President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mishustin, and Foreign Minister Lavlov.


■ Germany’s almost complete cessation of steel purchases has led to a decline in exports from Russia’s major steel producers, and nickel exports have also been affected.

2. Air Transport Sanctions


■ Close airspace to Russian aircraft together with European neighbours, except for humanitarian aid or diplomatic flights.


■ Not only did the government announce the closure of airspace to Russian aircraft, but private airlines also joined the ranks, further “isolating the sky”.

3. Military Sanctions


■ Promise more sanctions on Russia and more weapons for the Ukrainian army.


■ Through a number of important diplomatic and military aid operations in Ukraine, 27 member states have adopted a budget of 450 million euros to transport fighter jets and other armaments.

4. Sports sanctions

■ Sweden, the Czech Republic, Poland, England, and France all refused to play against Russia in the European play-offs, and FIFA may disqualify Russia.

■ England stress that “for the foreseeable future”, all internationals will refuse to play against Russia.

■ The Russian Grand Prix of Formula One has been cancelled.

■ Manchester United Football Club announced that it had decided to terminate its contract with Aeroflot one year earlier.

■ IBF, WBA, WBC and other boxing associations have unanimously announced that, just like the war affects events in Ukraine, Russia is forbidden to hold matches.

■ Veteran team, Bundesliga Schalke 04 canceled its sponsorship with GAZPROM, a Russian gas company.

■ The International Tennis Federation (ITF) has indefinitely cancelled all tournaments in Russia.

5. Others


■ Suspend the broadcast of Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik to prevent the disinformation war in the Kremlin.

South Korea

■ The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Korea has notified the United States that it has decided to prohibit the export of strategic materials to Russia, and not approve the export to be included in the “four multilateral export control mechanisms”, including the Nuclear Suppliers Organization (NSG), The Wassenaar Arrangement, Australia Strategic items on the Group (AG) and Missile Technology Control Agreement (MTCR) control lists.


■ To impose export controls on items that can be used directly as weapons in Ukraine to cause harm or conquer Ukrainians.



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